We thank you for helping the animals in our community. Along with LFACC Animal Control Officers, we rely on you, concerned citizens, to be the eyes and ears in the community and report animal suffering. Please contact us if you see:
- Animal neglect
- Intentional cruelty to animals
- Inappropriate conditions for dogs tethered outdoors (lacking water, shade, or shelter; improper tether; etc.)
- Animal abandonment
- Any animal left inappropriately in a hot vehicle
LFACC takes all animal care and treatment complaints very seriously. If you believe you have witnessed the mistreatment, neglect or abuse of an animal, please contact LFACC at (859) 255-9033 x 221. Your contact information will be kept confidential.
Please know that the majority of animal cruelty complaints arise from unknowing neglect and not intentional abuse. One of the biggest roles of an Animal Control Officer is as an educator, informing well-meaning but unknowledgeable pet owners of proper and responsible pet care.
To read Fayette County’s “Care and Treatment” Ordinance (Sec. 4-2), click here.
If you are having a problem with a noisy animal, click the following link.Click Here
If you were issued a citation for any local animal ordinance violation, please contact the Fayette County District Court to remit payment. Click here for District Court information.
If you were issued a uniform citation for any local or state animal ordinance violations, please contact the Fayette County District Court to remit payment. Click here for District Court information.
LFACC is committed to the health and happiness of every animal in our community. With nearly 6,500 animals coming through our shelter doors each year, and with such high numbers of animals looking to us for help, preventing illness is critical! We are proud of the care and treatment standards we have in place, providing a wide array of vaccinations upon intake of stray or owner relinquished dogs and cats. In addition to vaccinating animals in our care, we offer $10 rabies, $15 Canine DA2PP, $15 Bordetella and $15 Feline FVRCP vaccinations to the public as part of the city’s licensing program. Vaccinations are offered for dogs, cats, and ferrets. LFACC is doing our part in helping to keep the community’s animals healthy through preventative vaccinations, but it takes everyone’s input to create “community immunity,” which is key in preventing outbreaks. Please contact our Animal Services Department for days and times these services are available. Dogs and cats residing in Fayette County must also have a current license.
- Distemper is a disease that has been around for a long time, but it is seeing a resurgence due to un-vaccinated animals in the community and increased numbers of infected wildlife.
It takes all of us working together to build COMMUNITY IMMUNITY by vaccinating on schedule. Contact your vet or see our low cost vaccination listed above, and make sure you are keeping your pet up-to-date on all important vaccinations.
There are six locations in Fayette County where dogs can run off-leash in designated areas: Coldstream Park, Jacobson Park, Masterson Station Park, Phoenix Park, Pleasant Ridge Park and Wellington Park. Click here for more information about Lexington’s dog parks.
For information on the humane control of feral cats and trap-neuter-return assistance, please click here.
All dogs in Fayette County must be on a leash, behind a fence, or on the dog owner’s property and under the owner’s supervision at all times when outside. Any dog found unattended or unconfined on public or private property may be impounded.
To read Fayette County’s “Dog running at large” Ordinance (Sec. RCO4-19), click here.
In Fayette County, all dogs and cats must be licensed annually starting at six months of age and rabies vaccinated at four months of age. Proof of rabies vaccination is required for the city license. Licenses are valid for 12 months from the last day of the month the license was issued (e.g. a license issued on December 1 is valid until December 31 of the next year).
- A license for an altered (spayed or neutered) dog or cat is $8
- A license for an unaltered dog or cat is $40; $25 of this fee goes to the LFUCG Spay & Neuter Grant Program
- Dogs must wear their license and rabies tags at all times; cats must wear their license tag at all times
- Assistance dogs are exempt from annual licensing
- Pet licensing supports critical community animal care and control services
Licenses can be purchased or renewed via the LFACC license mail-in application.
CLICK HERE to download our mail-in application.
Directions: Print and complete one application for each pet. Add $2 handling/postage to the application license fee of $8 or $40. Mail completed application, proof of rabies vaccination, proof of spay/neuter (if applicable) and check or credit card payment (no out-of-county checks accepted) to:
Lexington-Fayette Animal Care & Control
1600 Old Frankfort Pike
Lexington, KY 40504
ATTN: Licensing Office
Once all information received has been verified, LFACC will mail back your pet’s license certificate and tag. Please allow two weeks for receipt of your pet’s license.
- LFACC Office at 1600 Old Frankfort Pike
- We offer licensing during normal business hours, with proof of a valid rabies vaccination. Please contact our Animal Services Department and speak with a representative for more information.
- Afford-A-Vet
- Richmond Road
- Pasadena Drive
- All Creatures Great & Small Animal Hospital
- Animal Care Clinic
- Animal Clinic Leestown Road
- Animal Clinic at Equestrian Woods
- Animal Hospital of Nicholasville
- Banfield Pet Hospital
- Hamburg Pavilion
- Brannon Crossing
- Boston Road Animal Clinic
- Brighton Animal Clinic
- Broadway Veterinary Clinic
- Central Kentucky Veterinary Center
- Chevy Chase Small Animal Clinic
- Clays Mill Veterinary Clinic
- Eastland Animal Hospital
- Fayette Veterinary Clinic
- Gainesway Small Animal Clinic
- Green Tree Animal Hospital
- Hartland Park Animal Hospital
- Lansdowne Veterinary Clinic
- Lexington Animal Clinic
- Lexington Hospital for Cats
- Locust Trace Veterinary Clinic
- McCaw & Banks Veterinary Clinic
- Beaumont Center
- Nicholasville, Kentucky
- Nicholasville Road Animal Hospital
- Noah’s Ark Animal Hospital
- North Lexington Veterinary Clinic
- Regency Animal Hospital
- Richmond Road Veterinary Clinic
- Sheabel Animal Medical Center
- Southland Veterinary Clinic
- Tates Creek Animal Hospital
- Veterinary Wellness Center
- Village Animal Hospital
- Woodstock Spay/Neuter Clinic
Please note: if any information regarding your pet’s license changes (e.g. change of address, pet deceased, pet no longer in possession), please contact LFACC at (859) 255-9033 x 244 or licensing@lfacc.org as soon as possible so we can update our records.
If you own eight or more dogs in Fayette County, you need to apply for an annual kennel license through LFACC.
- A kennel license is $135
- Each dog must be individually licensed and current on its rabies vaccinations
- Call (859) 255-9033 to begin your kennel license application
For any Fayette County dog or cat litter signed over to LFACC, LFACC’s partner agency, the Lexington Humane Society, will spay and neuter the “mom and dad” animals at no cost to the pet owner as part of the Last Litter program. Litters must be eight weeks of age before being relinquished to LFACC as part of the program. Photo ID required showing Fayette County address. Click here for more information about Last Litter (see the Special Initiatives section).
LFACC believes in promoting responsible pet ownership and is proud to offer HomeAgain brand microchips for $25 to the public during regular business hours with no appointment necessary. Current rabies vaccination and city license are required for Fayette County residents (proof must be provided). You must bring a photo ID. Visit HomeAgain’s website for more information regarding the importance of microchipping your pet.
What is the most important part of reuniting a lost pet with an owner? IDENTIFICATION! Please keep rabies, license, and identification tags on your pet at all times. Make sure all of your contact information is correct; if you move or change your phone number, remember to update all of your pet’s ID tags. To update your Fayette County pet license, call (859) 255-9033 x 244 or email licensing@lfacc.org. If your pet has a microchip, don’t forget to keep your contact information current with your microchip company (e.g. HomeAgain, Avid, ResQ). And if you need a new name tag for your pet, the Lexington Humane Society has a tag engraving machine and custom tags available in the main Adoption Center.
Relinquishing ownership of a pet is a difficult decision. The staff at LFACC is available to provide you with alternatives to owner relinquishment or to walk you through the process if the decision to sign over ownership is final. Please note the following:
- To ensure relinquishment is the right decision for both your family and your pet, you must speak to an Animal Services representative prior to bringing the animal into LFACC.
- A valid photo ID verifying your address is required.
- To assist LFACC with the cost of caring for your relinquished pet, there will be a fee associated with each animal relinquished.
- Due to the magnitude of animals received by LFACC, no follow-up information will be available once you relinquish your pet to LFACC.
The state of Kentucky requires all dogs, cats, and ferrets to be vaccinated for rabies by 4 months of age with a second rabies vaccination due 12 months later. Rabies vaccination must be kept current and is required for purchase of a Fayette County license. The LFACC office offers rabies vaccinations to the public for $10 plus tax, with current license or purchase of a new license:
Please contact an Animal Services Representative for information about rabies vaccinations and animal licensing 859-255-9033 ext. 233.
As a part of responsible pet ownership, LFACC encourages all pet owners to have their animals spayed and neutered. The Lexington Humane Society, LFACC’s partner agency, offers a free and low-cost spay/neuter program called Spay’sTheWay. To schedule your pet for surgery, please call Spay’sTheWay at (859) 233-0044 x 228 or click here for more information.
As a homeowner, you are responsible for the removal of any uninjured nuisance wildlife in your home or on your property. LFACC can offer assistance with sick or injured wildlife or with wildlife animals that pose a threat to the community as a whole.
Wildlife is abundant in Kentucky’s natural areas and farmland, and animals inevitably find their way into our communities as their territories shrink. While some people are fascinated or delighted when wildlife, such as deer or foxes, wander into their neighborhoods, these incidents can cause serious problems.
Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife is responsible for providing information and guidance to individuals with questions or concerns regarding wildlife. You can visit their website at fw.ky.gov/ or contact them at 1-800-858-1549.
LFACC Animal Control Officers are not authorized or trained to handle nuisance wildlife; however, there are resources available to help manage the situation. A web search will provide contact information for various individuals or companies involved in wildlife removal services. LFACC does not endorse any particular service or company and strongly recommends consumers check references, licenses, insurance, and bonding before hiring any company.
Why are they here?
Residential areas, especially those located near farmland or natural areas, provide habitat for coyotes. Plentiful food sources exist, such as mice and rabbits. These small animals feed on birdseed, berries, and garbage, which are commonly found and easily accessible. Shelter and water can be found in landscaped parks and yards. As coyotes have adapted to the presence of humans, they have lost their natural fear of us.
What attracts coyotes to your neighborhood?
Coyotes are attracted to neighborhoods due to the availability of garbage, pet food, and even pets, which coyotes see as prey. The following list illustrates some of the attractants that draw coyotes close to people. Remove these attractants to discourage coyotes, or other nuisance wildlife, from visiting your property:
- Outdoor pet food or water
- Birdseed or food sources that attract small mammals
- Accessible garbage or compost
- Fallen fruit or berries from trees or shrubs
- Shrubs or woodpiles that can provide cover or be used as a den
- Dogs and cats primarily residing outdoors
Discourage a coyote’s approach
Every citizen can help both people and coyotes by taking action to re-instill them with a healthy and natural fear of people. Clap your hands, yell or honk an airhorn, if you see coyotes so they can relearn to avoid humans.
- Be as big and loud as possible
- Wave your arms and clap
- Shout in a loud and authoritative voice
- Do not run or turn your back on the coyote
- Face the coyote and back away slowly
Teach your children
- Never approach wild animals or dogs you don’t know!
- If a coyote approaches you, wave your arms, stomp your feet, and tell it loudly to go away!
- Call for help
- If the animal doesn’t leave, walk out of the area, keeping the animal in your sight
How can you protect your pet?
Coyotes may view domestic pets as a food source and large dogs as a threat or possible mate. Keep your pet current on vaccinations. Reduce the risk to your pet by following these guidelines:
- Cat owners
- The only way to guarantee your cat’s safety is to keep it indoors
- Outdoor cats also face potential death from cars, diseases, parasites, foxes, raccoons, dogs, and birds of prey
- Dog owners
- Always supervise your pet outside, especially at dawn and dusk
- Do not allow your dog off leash unless in a fenced yard or dog park
- Do not allow your dog to play or interact with a coyote
- If possible, pick up your dog when coyotes are visible
- Avoid known or potential den sites and thick vegetation; like domestic dogs, coyotes will defend their territory and their young
- If you must leave your dog outside, secure it in a fully enclosed kennel meeting all LFUCG care and treatment standards
Please keep in mind not all wildlife babies removed from their natural habitats can survive the rehabilitation process. They are often better left in the wild for their mothers to care for them. If you find a baby animal, please follow the directions listed below specific to animal type.
- Birds: One very important thing to remember is baby birds are usually unsuccessful first-time fliers. The fact that they are on the ground does not mean that they need help! The parents will continue to feed and care for them until they can care for themselves. If an un-feathered or incompletely feathered baby is found on the ground, try to locate the nest above and replace the baby in the nest using a clean dish cloth to gently pick up the baby. If you cannot locate or reach the nest, make a nest by using a small basket or bowl. Line the basket or bowl with soft grass clippings and place the baby bird in your “nest.” Place your nest securely in a crook of the same tree. For the most part, the mother will find the baby and take care of it.
- Bunnies: It is very hard to successfully raise baby bunnies by hand; therefore, their best chance for survival is to remain in the nest with their mother. Mother rabbits only attend to and feed babies twice-a-day, once in the very early morning and once at night just after dusk. If they sense someone is watching them, they will not approach their nest. If the babies are not injured, cover the nest back up with the nesting material (if available). If the original material is not available, cover it up with light grass clippings and leaves. Line the outside of the nest with a dusting of flour (approximately 12 inches in diameter) or place an X over the top of the nest with string or sticks. Wait until the next morning and check the flour for footprints or see if the X has been moved. This will indicate the mother has been back to care for them. If there is no sign of the mother after 24 hours, place the babies in a box lined with a towel and contact LFACC.
- Raccoons: Raccoon moms will come and go during the day. If the baby appears happy and healthy, please leave it alone as mom is caring for it. If the baby appears weak or unkempt and is crying loudly for over one hour, please use gloves or a light dish cloth to pick up the baby and place it in a box bedded with a towel and contact LFACC.
- Squirrels: Squirrel moms come and go frequently but usually remain within sight/smell of the nest. If the nest is still in the tree, leave the babies alone! If a hairless baby is found on the ground, try to locate the nest. If you can locate the nest and reach it, pick the baby up using a light dish cloth and place the baby back in the nest. If the entire nest has blown out of the tree, place the entire nest back in the tree or in an adjacent tree. If the baby appears weak or unkempt and is crying loudly for over one hour, please use gloves or a light dish cloth to pick up the baby and place it in a box bedded with a towel and contact LFACC.